Sunday, May 6, 2007

living in the moment

Mark alcoholic,

Good day. Today got a little grumpy but tried to work through it. The meeting was OK this morning some funny stuff ,I always remind myself when I start a meeting why I am there and that is to stay away from alcohol for 24 hours that is the prime reason I show up.

One share I liked was that us alcoholics love to get appreciation from those around us for fixing the chaos we created. Seems a little strange. Anyway I am hoping to minimize the chaos I create if not eliminate it by working my program . Another share was funny. One guy divorced said he found living with pictures of his family was a lot easier than living with them, including his ex wife !

So the journey continues.....I try to stay upbeat everyday and believe that my higher power has a plan for me and for my life. I expect no miracles but if I work the program I do believe the promises will come true .

I am having a lot of past memories come up and believe me it hurts! This disease has cost me so much but I must remain grateful as I do still have my life !

My wife just called very distressed my son is acting out in a store. We really need to start to restrict his TV and work on his diet. I must start to lead by example and come up with a solid plan. I have put him through so much but there do have to be some rules. We cannot blame my disease for all the problems but I must remain calm and try to be understanding ,not easy.

I have had little contact with my daughters and there is some issue but I don't know what to do other than to pray and again be patient. I do believe all is possible if I don't drink,but it is also about stepping into action and I need to be more pro active as opposed to re active!

I am starting to become very dedicated to recovery and who ever reads my blog I hope you will find the ultimate gift. I fought my alcoholism for so long with denial as a huge part of my problem. For today I have that gift and the greatest gift of all is to help another alcoholic .

Thanks for letting me share .

Mark alcoholic.


Anonymous said...

I come from a large family of alcoholics. My dad stopped drinking and joined AA when I was 12, after his 3rd DUI... my older brother and youngest btother continue to be actively alcoholics, and my middle brother has just recently got out of rehab and is trying to stay sober. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc, etc, etc... all alcoholics or drug addicts!
Just wanted to tell you I applaud you for working at your recovery! I think giving up drinking and changing your lifestyle is one of the bravest things a person can do. Good luck to you and your family! :)

joy said...

I agree with angel...congratulations on working your recovery so well, and for accepting the support that's available to you. I laughed when reading your post...I just posted yesterday about my husband wanting to be rewarded for not doing heroin...accompanied by a Chris Rock quote that felt relevant at the time.


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