Mark and I have both been so busy that neither of us has had time to blog. But important for quick update. Our behaviors continue to change in positive ways. Mark still acts out sometimes, especially as he is adjusting to a life transition of working-responsible living. He likes his work, does not make a lot of money but is doing something he loves...the money will come but he is not used to working and it is a transition. So, he takes his frustrations out on me-something he has been used to doing for some time during his active days and something I accepted (God knows why). Today I no longer accept verbal abuse and tirades and I have a voice to defend myself that is not shrill and shouting. It is a calm voice, one that says how I feel, one that rejects verbal abuse, and one that sets boundaries. I am proud of this. I am also grateful to see the one day at a time changes in Mark. He is becoming a better listener (not great yet) and acknowledges, upon reflection, when he has upset me, and I know is working toward getting better at expressing his feeling and identifying what they are.
I can not write more now, my eyes hurt from the computer. I am working 2 jobs and one is entirely dependent on the computer-a killer on the eyes. I have never had to work so many hours for so little money-I pray I can get back to where I was one day and do more challenging work.
Ok by for now. Very tired. Mark at a meeting toinight. I will gently remind him to blog soon. It has been a while.