Monday, June 4, 2007


Hello From Hunter.

SAD DAY! Confirmed that house is in foreclosure. Confirmed that husband's friend who said he would help us is full of shit. Confirmed that Mark has been using money from my bank account and not telling me and has overdrawn account to a point that I can not even cover the over draft with next two paychecks..We are truly broke! I am so furious with Mark..But anger will not resolve anything. Part of me says he did tell me the truth, finally, after lying and I should be grateful that he is finally telling the truth..But that really sounds like a load of bullshit from me. His behaviour was unacceptable and he needs to know this..But if we are to move forward and stay together he must learn to stop behaving this way and to live a life of rigorous honesty. I believe his commitment to AA and his recovery is putting him on this path and that his giving me the strength to move forward. I love the life we are starting to rebuild and the joy I see in our son's face as a result. What a sick disgusting disease...

There are choices today...I have two job interviews this week and if they go well we will be able to keep the house. Mark supposedly has a good job opportunity but he has never followed through with anything since I know him..I pray he follows through as part of his recovery. And if he can do this than we can save this house....Enough is enough.

I am sick to death of hearing...well at least I am not drinking over it! That is great now it is time to start living. I know he is working his recovery and I trust he will recover. I am proud of his recovery......

I really think I sound like an idiot trusting and believing in someone who has been so completely deceitful...But I know he wants to get better and I respect that.

I do as much as I can for me and for my family. It is time for Mark to get off his ass, stop using his recovery as an excuse, and to start living responsibly.

I pray he can find true recovery yet I am thrown by his friends lying to him about helping out financially so that we do not lose the house....Who lied-Mark or his friend...I do no not know but given Mark's track record I believe it was Mark. Then again, given what I know about alcoholics-it was both of them who lied..BUT the real truth is LYING IS UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. WHEN AND HOW DOES IT STOP? I pray that Mark stops now. He has lived a life of lying-long before he knew me..It is DISGUSTING and I feel deceived.

I pray today that his recovery continues and that the lying stops once and for all. And I pray today for financial independence and a good job and a family with both partners contributing financially. It is f-----g time.... I pray today for guidance to do the next right thing and I pray today for strength to get through this.

Along the same thought as the banana nut bread a friend send this to me. Scary!

This is confirmed by Snopes (see below)Ok. I don't know where to begin because the last 2 days of my life have been such a blur. Yesterday, My youngest daughter Halle who is 4, was rushed to the emergency room by her father for being severely lethargic and incoherent. He was called to her school by the school secretary for being "very VERY sick." He told me that when he arrived that Halle was barely sitting in the chair. She couldn't hold her own head up and when he looked into her eyes, she couldn't focus them.
He immediately called me after he scooped her up and rushed her to the ER. When we got there, they ran blood test after blood test and did x-rays, every test imaginable. Her white blood cell count was normal, nothing was out of the ordinary. The ER doctor told us that he had done everything that he could do so he was sending her to Saint Francis for further test.
Right when we were leaving in the ambulance, her teacher had come to the ER and after questioning Halle 's classmates, we found out that she had licked hand sanitizer off her hand. Hand sanitizer, of all things. But it makes sense. These days they have all kinds of different scents and when you have a curious child, they are going to put all kinds of things in their mouths.
When we arrived at Saint Francis, we told the ER doctor there to check her blood alcohol level, which, yes we did get weird looks from it but they did it. The results were her blood alcohol level was 85% and this was 6 hours after we first took her. Theres no telling what it would have been if we would have tested it at the first ER.
Since then, her school and a few surrounding schools have taken this out of the classrooms of all the lower grade classes but what's to stop middle and high schoolers too? After doing research off the internet, we have found out that it only takes 3 squirts of the stuff to be fatal in a toddler. For her blood alcohol level to be so high was to compare someone her size to drinking something 120 proof. So please PLEASE don't disregard this because I don't ever want anyone to go thru what my family and I have gone thru. Today was a little better but not much. Please send this to everyone you know that has children or are having children. It doesn't matter what age. I just want people to know the dangers of this.
Thank you Lacey Butler and family


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Foreclosure on the house -- oh, Hunter! How stressful and sad! I will be keeping you in my thoughts.

Kari Sullivan said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I can't imagine what that must be like with such major financial struggles for basics and with dealing with your husband's issues as well.

Keep working the program. Keep working with your sponsor if you have one (and if you don't get one!). Please know that you are in my prayers!

Peace out!

P.S. Thanks for the 411 on the sanitizers. Who knew?


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