Friday, June 1, 2007


Hello from Hunter. First I want to thank all of the awesome people who post comments on our posts. All of you make us smile, laugh, and give encouragement with all of your words so THANK YOU!!!!!!!

I have taken day off to attend a meeting for a "Caring Committee" I serve on. I saw some dear friends and some have given me some great ideas for this blog (more later). I rushed back as Mark has an interview to work in a retail store (not the BIG career BUT a real job-good news and I hope it works out). Mark loves banana bread and I thought I would bring him some from my breakfast meeting as a treat. He just called from the car to tell me the banana bread has alcohol in it and he could taste it! The fear this evoked inside of me-what if I am responsible for him slipping because of a craving set off by a piece of banana nut bread?????? The alcohol was minuscule-probably vanilla extract-AMAZING he could taste it...UNBELIEVABLE and eye opening...It is like a child with peanut allergies we have to be vigilant about everything he eats in and just to reinforce that point one of my fire alarms in the house just went off with that deafening buzz!!!!!! Message from higher power. Mark is sober enough and in recovery enough to do just fine, but I called him to make sure he was OK as I feel awful. He said his body is reacting weird and he feels sick, all from a bite of banana nut bread cooked with some alcohol ingredients.

Good news is that he is honest enough and sober enough in mind and body to recognize this and will go to an AA meeting after his interview. AND we have a movie screening tonight of a friend's film, all about recovery from alcoholism. So I think it will be OK and this was a reminder from our HP to be vigilant about what we drink and what we eat!!!!

I was going to write a funny blog about all the tricks addicts use to hide their behavior and their alcohol-things Mark has shared with me that are eye opening but I am going to save that for another blog since I have been thrown off track by the banana nut bread.

Instead I will piss and moan about the lack of understanding in the court system and the ignorance of the news media covering Lindsay Lohan and other celebrities with addictions and glamorizing it. Let's not forget the current tag line "Paris Hilton going to jail: How Long Will She Stay?" She should stay as long as any other person would stay. She will go out and break the law again and she does not take this seriously. She needs much more serious consequences (see my probation idea below) The only real view of addiction and what it does to you was the recent video of David Hasselhoff showing his "dark side".

Mark is about to finish his "penance" for his DWI. He still blames me for his getting a DWI! Yes I did call the police and inform them that he was driving drunk but I am not the person who got behind the wheel drunk and drove a car intoxicated well beyond the legal limit. I am also not the person who stuck 2 fingers up to the court and ignored my responsibilities to the point where a harsher sentence was imposed:random urine tests for 6 months, daily AA meetings, an 8 week driving class, one Mothers Against Drunk Driving class, and no drinking. But in Mark's sobriety he no longer rages at me for doing this to him he accepts the consequences and moves on....BUT it is astonishing to hear, from the mouth of a sober alcoholic, what active alcoholics think and what they will do. Last night Mark attended his MADD (mothers against drunk driving) class. He observed several people attending who were drunk (they drank in their cars and then washed it down with mouthwash before entering) and others who got into their cars and had a drink immediately after the workshop. Alcoholism is cunning and baffling....and alcoholics can not drink.! When he attended the driving class the first think he was told was that this class will teach you how to drink and drive responsibly. There is no such thing-especially for an alcoholic. An attorney was recently interviewed on TV about Lindsay Lohan. He said she would get off lightly since it was her first offense...Why should she or anyone be allowed to get off lightly-there should be a ZERO tolerance policy for drinking and driving. The courts know nothing
about AA or Alanon and less about recovery. The courts do nothing to resolve the problem...this is true with most crimes. For addicts they should be put on one year probation and remanded to one year of supervised community service and subjected to random drug and alcohol testing. Failure to comply wiht terms should result in immediate "rehab" incarceration. There are enough addicts out there for there to be a "reahb" incarceraqtoin-this would be group meetings and continuous exposure to AA and effects of drug and alcohol abuse...that might do a bit more good than what is being done-and it probably would cost less in the long run.

Back to the madness of recovery today. Mark's interview lasted 15 minutes and he was told he has to come back and meet someone else...Every time mark goes for an interview there is a story as to why it doesn't happen....I ask a few questions and i get screamed at...and today I really screwed it all up by innocently giving him a piece of bread that had alcohol in it. Fortunately for me I know how to detach from his screaming and ranting and not react. That is what I will do for the rest of today, I will take care of myself, and I will pray he gets through the day sober.

I was up late last night so I am going to take a rest now and will write more tomorrow.


cblaze said...

Find addiction treatment, rehab and recovery resources for alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictions.

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Don't blame yourself for the banana bread! It is amazing the things that addicts can key in to and find triggering. I heard an interview with a former crack addict, who is now a successful attorney, that sometimes certain car exhaust smells remind her of crack. You just never know...

And the criminal justice system and the courts truly do not know how to deal with addiction. So much crime and misery in our society is addiction related, yet that is not recognized, addressed or treated. Sad.

Angel The Alien said...

My dad is like that too... even after being sober for 15 years now! He doesn't even take regular cough medicine, he takes children's medicine if he has to take it at all! And he won't eat food with any kind of alcohol. Sometimes when we go out to eat or for dessert he will say he thinks something has alcohol in it, and I will taste it and be like, "No, it's fine..." but he still acts kind of panicky about eating it! Interesting huh...

Unknown said...

The overwhelming, compulsive, uncontrollable use of drugs is a central factor in the life of an addict. Their need to satisfy the cravings becomes dominant in all behavior. It does not matter what drug they choose. Nothing will satisfy the overwhelming craving except their drug-of-choice. Meth users will not settle for heroin. Heroin users will not be satisfied with marijuana. Crack users have no desire for downers (sedatives, painkillers, etc). It is not about coming down, fearing dramatic withdrawal symptoms, or anything like that, that produces continued cravings (though an addict will use these to justify and rationalize illegal, immoral things that they do to obtain the drug). In fact, there are few withdrawal symptoms associated with crack and methamphetamines, two of the most addictive substances known. It is not the physical part that matters. It is truly the psychological aspect of addiction that produces cravings that result in continued use of and progressively, using more and more of the chosen drug.
Drug Rehabs


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