Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Life today is really hard. But life today for us as a couple has all the possibility of a good relationship because Mark is finally sober and realistic about life and responsibilities. Mark is lovable and I can truly stick by him as long as he stays honest, clean and sober. Of course his addiction has cost us mostly everything and today I will have to confront the possible loss of our home to foreclosure and seriously consider selling the only asset we have left before we lose it. This is devastating, especially since it really does not take much to hang on to it, if we both had ordinary jobs, but between the two of us we can't find work and can't cover our expenses. Both of us are bright and both of us have screwed up our careers in the past. I actually believe that Mark will get back on track and one day so will I but for now, it would be good to be able to survive. It is downright scary!!!

Mark keeps sharing with me that his friends in AA say "don't work for a year", "don't drink and all will fall into place" AND finally mark is realistic about life and dealing with reality.IN reality he needs to and wants to work, as do I. I shared these AA comments with my Alanon sponsor and she responded "What an alcoholic thing to say" and to remind mark to take what you like and leave the rest...Mark and I agree with her 1000%. Not working is a bunch of bullshit.

There are some good things in the hopper for Mark ranging from a job in a retail store to a consulting position with a larger firm...There is a BIG difference in the pay for these positions but either one would be fine. As for me I have an interview tomorrow, at the company I am working part time at. I am not sure I will qualify for the position but as always I am going to give it my best shot.

SO how are we recovering as a family today?????? We are loving each other through this and with sobriety able to be supportive. I am dealing with tremendous mood swings from mark and they are hard to take but because of my program I am loving and dealing with it. I also have my own depression and mood swings but can not show mark my sadness as it is too much for him to handle But he knows anyway....

Last week was my birthday. I did not feel special. This weekend I went to visit my uncle's new home. I enjoyed myself with our son, mark did not go. My uncle is very wealthy I wish he could help us out with work but he can't. It was first time I had been away in awhile..Leaving home costs money and I can not afford $50 in gas.....the money pot is dry and I pray it fills up soon. My mom's birthday was this week. She can no longer speak and when I called to sing to her I could not hear her voice....

All in all I am ready for a nervous breakdown...But as mark said to me, he can't live without me..and in recovery I can't live with out him.....So today I really know what for richer or poorer and in sickness and in health really means in the weeding vows and I pray that our love can help us achieve all we dream of.

PRAYERS PRAYERS PRAYERS PLEASE!!!! From all our friends who read our blog and the universe.



Kari Sullivan said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

I can't imagine trying to make a relationship work and work on your recovery at the same time. I'm having enough trouble keeping myself sober.

My sponsor keeps telling me to "trust the process." It seems to be his answer to everything. My girlfriend goes psycho. Trust the process. My car blows the third tire this month. Trust the process. Aliens have abducted you and they are armed with very large probes. Trust the process.

Maybe one day I'll actually understand what it means. In the meantime, I'll just trust the f@cking process.

Peace out!

Unknown said...

Hunter, you're both definitely in my prayers.

It is important to trust that things will work out if you do the right thing.

I wonder, though, if he's being told what the right thing to do is.

I don't know his situation, nor do I know him or his background, but I haven't heard the suggestion to not work for a year. I can see not working in your profession if it was a contributing factor to using, but not working at all? For a year? That just seems extreme to me unless there are other factors. If there are, that's fine of course, and I don't need to know what they are.

I was told when I got out of rehab to get a job within two weeks. Not a career, a job. In fact, I was told specifically and repeatedly not to worry about career, just to "be responsible, get a job, and pay my rent".

As for the house, try not to wrap up your self worth in it. If you are able to keep it, wonderful. If it doesn't work out that way, you're still who you are. Your success in life, in the end, is contingent on much more than whether or not you keep that house.

My love to both of you.

Angel The Alien said...

I sort of see where the "don't work" thing comes from, because my little bro tried to quit drinking about 1,000 times and every time he did his wife would want him to stay home from work, because where he worked they were always drinking on the job, going out for drinks afterwards, etc. He also met a lot of drug-using buddies at work! But whenever my bro tried to stay home from work he'd go stir-crazy and end up taking off anyway. Plus most people don't have the LUXURY of being able to skip work for a year!
It would be cool if someone created some sort of job, like a store or something, that hired only recovering people. Then the recovering people could work and make money, plus be around people who understood what they were going through, plus would not have to worry about getting trouble with their boss when they have to take days off for drug tests, court dates, counseling, etc.

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Nothing like recovering as a couple to teach us the true meaning of our wedding vows -- for richer or poorer, in sickness and health... I am keeping you in my thoughts and sending lots of love and hope your way.

cblaze said...

Find addiction treatment, rehab and recovery resources for alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictions.

mzeatright said...
In AA they say, here is how it works: Go to meetings, Get a sponser, Work the steps! Any order is OK too and if we aren't doing this we are probably doing it WRONG! Anybody with years of sobriety surely wouldn't dish out the NO job thing! Not deliberately anyway. Somethings we are powerless over which is why we are working this wonderful program. Hang in there! You're Gonna Make it!!


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