Wednesday, June 13, 2007

dont quit before the miracle


Time goes on and time takes time. What the hell does it all mean? I had no intention of being in this AA thing ten years ago and I don't know if I belong today. The problem with the alcoholic mind is that we believe one day we will be able to return to normal drinking ! And the more time you get the more you think that is possible.

The purpose of my AA training, I will call it training, is that I must continue to crush that theory one day at a time. I have not met anyone who has returned to safe normal drinking. In fact there is a picture of Dr Bob and Bill Wilson with a blank space in the middle reserved for the first person that does return to normal drinking. It has never been filled.

This is silly talk I will never be able to drink as normal people do. I am having ups and downs and I am told by my sponsor I am where I am supposed to be, not drinking, going to meetings, and going broke? !!

I am now starting to question some of the wisdom. I must work for my continued sobriety as well as to take care of my family. I will keep you posted as I continue the efforts it has been frustrating so far but it will get better.

I am not big on its in Gods hands, pass it over, let it go...I think the program can be contradictory because then I am told this is a program of action !

Anyway I am not going to Analyze anymore I am just going to move on.

I have been to three meetings today. The lunch time meeting was wild. it was a speaker meeting. A priest who I know told the most amazing story which I will not get into. It was not sexual but just when you thought you had heard it all ,WOW ,what a disease! Also at the meeting was a very famous actor. As I said yesterday this disease takes no prisoners and effects anybody no matter who you are.

I am alone tonight with my son as my wife is running an Alanon meeting. I am very proud of her for that. She is very tired as she was up early for a good job interview in the city. I am sure she will keep you all posted that's her stuff. She really deserves a break!.

So tomorrow I will start my day with a big book meeting and then start more job searching ,dealing with the daily chores of recovery and try hard to stay centered. Recovery is tough as alcohol is everywhere. I continue to learn daily about why this alcoholic must stay away from the first drink and I must stay vigilant or I am done for .

Remember you only have to do this one day at a time !



1 comment:

Scott M. Frey said...

Hi Mark... I just happened to stumble on your blog from a link on someone else's...

I tend to agree with your sponsor when he says you're where you ought to ... Otherwise you'd be somewhere else...

This thing about letting God handle stuff... it takes time to build faith in an HP. It is most assuredly a program of action, also reflection, prayer, listening, frustration, pain, joy, sadness, most of all hope. I have been sober over 11 yrs and it hasn't been perfect, still isn't. But I know in my heart of hearts that I will never drink socially or successfully. I never even bothered to try so what makes em think (if I am being truly honest) that I could or would now.

I am ok with the fact that I am an alcoholic and an addict. I am happy (for the most part, lol) to do the work it takes to stay sober a day at a time. Over time I did (shockingly) develop a faith in an HP. It takes time to be willing and able to let go and let God...

I think of it as like I am jobhunting. I have to make plans, send out resumes, look at the want ads, etc. I can leave the outcome up to GOd, pray fo rhelp and guidance but I have to get out there and do the elg work... the "action"... resumes, interviews, phone calls etc. If I simply pray to HP for that new job, or for help with it, then just sit on the couch and wait.. well nothing will proabably happen. So, I have to ask for help, seek help and then go out and do my part. That to me, is the "letting go and letting God" in my program.

Just hang in there, keep doing what you're doing, hang with your sponsor and take things a day at a time. Anything can be handled One Day at a Time.

I am grateful that my surfing led me to your blog today! I needed to read your post! Please forgive me for the long-winded comments lol!

With gratitude, your friend.. Scott


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