Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Things are OK today. I had yet another job interview. All in God's hands. I am doing the best I can everyday and that is the best I can do. That and pray. We prepared and served dinner as a family for the local homeless shelter. Mark did not really want to do this but once we went he agreed this was a great 12th step for him as many of the people who eat at the shelter and live at the shelter have seen Mark struggle with his recovery and are observing his journey in sober living. Seeing him and our family together and helping others is great experience, strength, and hope for the people in the shelter as well as a wonderful experience for us as a family. Our son is going to be a "mentor" for peers with learning disabilities this summer by participating as a volunteer in a town camp for these kids. I am so proud that he has chosen to do this. Our son has been through so much with this disease that it is wonderful to teach him to help others. I am exahusted...it has been a busy day-teaching preschool, going to part time telemarketing job, rushing home to cook a meal for 40, delivering and serving the meal,helping with homework, applying for a few more jobs on line, walking the dog and doing a bit of excercise.......It is great to be busy but I need to get into bed. Grateful today for mark's sobriety as it makes all of our lives easier and grateful for our families recovery. I still miss my mom terribly and hope to be able to see her very soon.


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