Wednesday, April 25, 2007

keep coming!

Mark alcoholic,


This is something we say at meetings to newcomers. I used to hate hearing this but it does make sense. There is an element of perseverance in stopping what you have been doing for some 25 years for some of us it does not happen first time around .

It is truly the hardest thing I have done. This sounds crazy to some, how could it be so hard to stop drinking alcohol? But for me these first few months have been tough and I can truly say well worth it. For people that drink normally it will be hard to understand but If I pick up a drink I can't stop.

I have had an OK day. Two meetings, still waiting for some final news on some work stuff but nothing worth worrying about. I am seeing some great improvement in my son and he seems to really be doing well in all areas. My wife is doing well although I know she is still building trust in me and she is a little frustrated on the career front but she is very smart and a great worker and I am sure she will be just fine.

The alcoholic has no clue how his actions when drinking affect all around him and really we don't care. In fact, in most cases we blame those around us for our drinking problems. How sick is that.

I have helped a couple of guys today with some encouraging calls. One guy is having a very hard time and has a few days back. He said he really wanted to drink today. I told him instead of buying that bottle of vodka to buy a journal and write down what that bottle would do to him. This is a guy was in lock down last week, can you believe it? I also suggested that if really wanted to drink to get to another meeting and if he wanted to drink wait until after the meeting. He went to a meeting and he did not drink today I hope and pray .

I have to continue this daily vigilance for a long time. I am not cured I wake up every morning with untreated alcoholism and take my medication by going to a meeting. It just has to
be a new way of living for me and I have to also make it fun. Although it is a life or death situation for me I do bring some humor to the meetings I have to for my sanity.

I live in a very strange town. We have tons of meetings full of all types. We have very wealthy and very poor but you know the thing I love about AA is that it is a common denominator the alcohol effects us all no matter what the size of your wallet. This gift is available to all suffering alcoholics and when you are ready you will know it does not matter what your bottom is there is a way out for all of us!


Thanks for letting me share.

Mark alcoholic

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