Friday, March 30, 2007

then next 90 days

We are in the second phase of the first year of recovery. Things really are getting better one day at a time and each day is better. I am still worried about financial security and struggling to get work. I have an interview to sell home heating services today....a far cry from running a dynamic event services company...but local, fairly stress free, and enough in salary to pay some of my bills and not lose my home! This is a good thing. Mark is supposedly starting a great new job and is going to NY today to hopefully get some closure on this opportunity. I would love it if it panned out for many reasons..most of all because it will help me breath a little easier and make a better life for our son and family.....and it would be great for Mark.. I do see that things happen in Gods time and that it is the right, but often painful, thing. Mark had to put his sobriety above all else before he could truly take on a good job and be responsible. Now that his is over the first 90 days and proving to himself daily that recovery on a daily basis is important he is ready...I believe God, or the forces of the universe, have made this happen....and I pray today is a good day and that as a family we move closer to financial stability today.....While health and sobriety are more important when it comes to is time to stop having bad credit, getting help from social services, and losing assets and time to start contributing our potential to eh world and being the leaders we are and also time to being having enough security financially to be able to donate money to others in need and help others in the way we have been helped...This is my prayer for the next 90 days of recovery..that we turn our financial situation around and move in a positive direction....Off to take Mark to the train...I pray the forces of the universe are with us in a positive way helping us to be the best we can be today.

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