Saturday, March 24, 2007

Communication and Spirtuality Essential to Recovery

UGH!!!!!!!!!!! Just spent entire morning writing a great blog only to have it erased.

I will keep it short not because I am frustrated! We are learning how to communicate and set healthier boundaries. We are sharing our feelings, especially Mark is learning to let me know how he feels rather than stuffing his feelings and drinking over them. I am learning from this and hopefully becoming a better person,. I am sharing my feelings in healthier way with Mark as well. Recently I confronted him about grandiose behavior and making up stories and lies to make himself look bigger and more important..While initially defensive I hope he learned that he is OK just as he is , that lies compound lies, and that with recovery the demon inside of him has been exorcised and the incredible person within is there ready to come out perfect just as they are without making up stories.

We are also experiencing spiritual recovery as a family. Last night our son led sabbath services with the rest of his religious school class. He was so proud to know all the words to traditional prayers and sing them for and with us. We missed my mom who could not be there as she is in later stages of Alzheimer's. She would have loved to be there and would have been beaming with pride. Also for me it evoked a very special childhood memory of going to synagogue with my dad . He would always hold my hand and smile at me as I sang and recited prayers with him. I did this with my son Moe last night, and strangely I felt my dad there with us holding my hand and smiling... Hard to believe he is gone 20 years. Also during the part of the service when they said a healing prayer our son stood up and said his grandma's name. Then with a tear in his eye gently whispered to me "I miss her so very much" I replied "so do I....So do I.....

This blog is a bit all over the place today..but I am used to being all over the place as that is how I have lived most of my life...One day at a time things are falling into place..It is a rough road this first year....BUT it is VERY smooth in comparison to the road we travelled during the years of active alcoholism and filled with excitement and hope.

Until next time.

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