Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Getting unstuck is life's journey and part of recovery. Living with a recovering alcohlic is not easy. The anger is so very hard to deal with. I do realize that in my recovery I have let go of a huge anger problem I had. I have learned to "roll with the punches" and not get bogged down in why or why not something happened. I do my best to use each experience as a learning experience and move on. I have also learned that I will not accept unacceptable behavior. I taught our son recently a trick I learned in alanon about dealing with alcoholics-it says that when the crazy part of an alcohlic flies into a rage we should picture them as someone in an insane asylum with bars in front of them. He has started to do this when his dad rages...It has helped..especially because he loves his dad so much and can't understand the evil side. I too have a hard time as Mark treats me like a piece of dirt with his anger. He rages at me, accuses me of being horrible and unloving. If I took him seriously I would be a basket case-and was for many years. I am NOT unloving or horrible. I have stuck by mark through thick and thin. I am GOOD wife and a good woman and I deserve to be loved and treated as such. So I don't buy into his rages and I keep the focus on me. He is in early recovery still and has a lot to deal with. I am in a new phase of recovry for me and must focus on me, my goals as aperson, and my recovery. I need to work but I need to do what will work for me. That is something that is local, no commuting and no trafffic and little travel-and financially rewarding enough to allow me to travel and enjoy life. I am doing a lot of owrk on this as a result of a workshop I recently attended.....Working on this is taking away from my blogging time....but I will share tidbits as they come up. Today's tidbits-affirmations...Positive statements about ourselves that we repeat and visualize really work.....

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