Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I got a call from Mark this morning from the county jail. Apparently last year when he was drunk and in a blackout he was arrested for disorderly conduct and failed to appear in court. Bond is $500. Thank God he called his sponsor first and not me. And thank God his sponsor can afford to bail him out. I feel really sad that this is happening, but it truly has nothing to do with me.

I called the police station to let Mark know I got his message. It is a weird feeling to have the officer who answered the phone know me and remember coming out to my house! It is horrible to remember all the times that happened. It is also a bit eerie for the police to know that if mark was still drinking I would have thrown him out.

It was wonderful to say to the officer that Mark is 7 months sober and a miracle and to share with him how wonderful our son is doing. It was also wonderful to hear the calmness in Mark's voice when he spoke to me from the jail. Responsible and accepting the consequences of his actions and this dreadful disease.

I shared this experience with my sponsor and in her words "Sobriety is a SHI& STORM for everyone! Thank God for all that is good. He will be fine. He has to face the music before he can really enjoy it. Its all part of the plan..."

I am grateful that things are moving in the right direction...I just pray our financial house comes together very very very very soon before we lose everything.


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