Thursday, March 29, 2007


Last few days have not been great but today I got a message and a feeling that all will be fine. Mark and I have been fighting every morning for past few days and we finally talked it out...this is what happens with increasing frequency in sobriety-thank GOD!

My work situation is really frustrating. To have managed a company and business for over 15 years and now only be allowed to do telemarketing and look up phone numbers for staff people is really frustrating and frankly a waste of my talent. My job search is very much like sales thousands of calls to get one good opportunity.....That opportunity has not yet appeared.....

I will approach today's unpleasant task at work with a positive attitude....In fact today's Hazelden Thought for the Day sums it up:


" You grow up the first day you have the first real laugh - at yourself.--Ethel Barrymore

Infants chuckle and gurgle and find the world amusing, but apparently they rarely laugh at themselves. Perhaps that's because they're still very much the lord and master of their world. Even when they see themselves in the mirror, tots are more likely to find themselves incredible than hilarious.As we grow wiser we gain a sense of proportion about ourselves and our position in the universe. Just as the earth is not the center of the solar system, so we are just one of billions of people on our planet.Can we smile at ourselves? Or are we always guarding our dignity or feeling fragile and vulnerable? A sense of humor means the ability to enjoy human foibles, even at our own expense. Having this kind of humor helps us to put others - and especially ourselves in relation to others - in perspective. Perhaps it is only when we've had a good laugh at ourselves for our imperfections that we can really begin to gain in stature. By keeping our importance in perspective, we learn to grow.I can enjoy a good laugh - and will allow myself the freedom of a sense of humor, especially about myself. "

So what is the sense of humor in my day and my work today? I am struggling with this one and all I can come up with is the absurdity of the situation. I will see those around me at work as clowns and look for the message in the madness.

What else will I do today? Be grateful for the sobriety in our home and the new life we are beginning. Be grateful for our beautiful healthy sun who is shining more and more each day as a result of the sobriety and peace in our home and be happy for the little things.

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