Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hello from Hunter,

This is will be my last blog for week as I am going away, by myself, to a yoga retreat. It is the first time in over 2 years I have left our son alone with Mark, and it is the first time in over 5 years I have done something for myself. This should be an amazing journey for me and the beginning of taking my life back.

Our home is still in chaos physically. Everyplace I turn there is clutter and mess. BUT our home is no longer in chaos emotionally. Mark is a miracle everyday. He is becoming more and more articulate about his feelings, working hard, and asking for what he needs-apparently I do not hug him enough...AND as long as he continues to not drink, rigorously work his AA program, go to meetings, and work with his sponsor, I will hug him as much as he wants and needs and proably more. We are blessed and I am so very happy and proud of him.

The mess in the home pisses Mark off. Me too!!!!!! I have lived with managing the chaos of alcoholism for so many years that taking care of all of this was way too much to handle. AND whenever I cleared it in the past, it was destroyed by the animal possessing my husbsand when he drank. Now, one day at a time, in the peace of sobriety, I/we can tackle this chaos one day at time.

Believe it or not, it is a loss to not manage chaos anymore. It sounds silly by the mind says -oh my god what do I do now I don't know what to do but I do know where to start. There is much rebuilding to do-helping our child get up to speed in school as he lost over a year of learning during the worst of times as he was unavailable for learning and also he developed some poor personal habits-because of the crisis I have been an enabler for him and now must teach him with love to take care of himself. We must rebuild our marriage and build a life, for the first time, together based in knowledge of self, taking care of ourselves, leaving the past behind, and bringing our best selves to each other and this family; and then there is the clearing of clutter and organization in the home....

It will all fall into place, one day at at time..It is actually. And this week will be incredible. I will be taking care of me for the first time in a long time and frankly that is what I need to do in order to continue to grow and rebuild/build my little family. Mark and Moe will bond and Mark will be responsible and reliable and sober for the first time in years. I will have peace of mind that all is OK and when I return we will all be better, stronger, and happier and we will move tothe next phase of our live as a family in recovery.

Also, I am a huge believer in the power of prayer. All of you who read this blog, and those who comment, have been sending our family prayers as you read this and think of us. Our life is getting better everyday, and all of you have had something to do with that. Thank you so very much and we send those prayers back at you.

I guess when I return I will be using the word Namiste more. So Namiste, have a good week and perhaps Mark will blog in my absence.




Anonymous said...

Hunter, enjoy your retreat. I remember the first time I realized that I could manage something other than my husbands moods, and that it was okay to now do something for me that I enjoy. Be blessed.

Rae said...

Hunter ... I wish you Ohm Shanti ... divine peace, as you go on your yoga retreat.

It is good to see that you and your husband are learning to communicate. That gives me hope.

Anonymous said...

Hunter you are a true inspiration, something to look forward to! My husband just celebrated his 60 day recovery, this time from pain meds! I'm still struggling with trying to keep my life out of crisis mode and YOGA has been a lifesaver for me! I wish you well on your trip and I can't wait to hear more from you!


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